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6 September 2020

Getting started

by datarich(ard)

Step 0. Install R and RStudio

RStudio is the preferred development environment for R. Download the latest R binary for Mac OSX

Since CRAN does not check the binaries for viruses it’s a good idea to check the hash. e.g.,

shasum R-3.6.3.nn.pkg 

Run the package installer and it should overwrite the previous R installation by default. You can check the installation in from the R command line with .libPaths(). It should return something like:


Finally download RStudio and follow the install instructions.

You can check the version of R from the RStudio terminal (or the bash terminal) with R --version e.g.,

R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock"
Copyright (C) 2020 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)

Step 1. Install Jupyter notebooks

Jupyter notebooks are also a popular development tool. Anaconda (miniconda) provides an install for Jupyter notebooks. Anaconda has a lot of cool stuff but I normally just install miniconda to reduce the overhead. See here: for instructions and download the shell script. Then:

bash ~/Downloads/

After installing miniconda then you will need to install the jupyter notebook package:

conda install jupyter

Step 2. Install IRkernel for R

The instructions for getting Jupyter to run with an R kernel are here:

First open an R session in terminal R. Then run the following commands in that R session:

install.packages('IRkernel')  # this will download the package from CRAN

The kernel spec can be installed for the current user with the following line:


Step 3. Run a jupyter notebook from the bash terminal

jupyter notebook

Step 4. Install RStan

Instructions for installing RStan are here

it is sometimes necessary to remove any existing RStan via

if (file.exists(".RData")) file.remove(".RData")

Then, restart R.

In most cases, you can simply type (exactly like this)

install.packages("rstan", repos = "", dependencies = TRUE)

You can check the C++ Toolchain in RStudio

pkgbuild::has_build_tools(debug = TRUE)