a personal journey into data science
by datarich(ard)
This is a Github flavoured markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring documents, which is supposed to include an easily accessible math syntax. Unfortunately Github flavoured markdown does not support math formatting.
In this document you can’t display maths equations such as:
Y = X^2
or else you get this:
\[Y = X^2\]And you can’t display inline equations $Y = X^2$
like that. Or else you get this: $Y = X^2$
This is all a bit shit. But you can display simple maths like this:
Y = X<sup>2</sup>
to get this:
Y = X2
or this:
<p align="center"> Y = X<sub>2</sub></p>
to get this:
Y = X2
or even this:
∫θ<sub>o</sub>x ≈ ∑θ<sub>1</sub>x
∫θox ≈ ∑θ1x
A list of HTML special entity codes which can be used for mathematical symbols is available online, see https://sites.psu.edu/symbolcodes/codehtml/#math
A list of Greek letters (e.g., Β Δ, μ, σ) is also available: https://www.keynotesupport.com/internet/special-characters-greek-letters-symbols.shtml