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16 November 2020

Easy guide to github for writing a journal article

by datarich(ard)

Step 1. Start a new github rep with the article title

Follow the directions here for integrating it with RStudio. In brief do the following:

  1. Create a new github repo on github
  2. Creating a new Rproj using File > New Project…
  3. Select the option for Version Control: Checkout a project from a version control repository.
  4. Follow the instructions to integrate the project with the github repo created in step 1.

Step 2. Enable pages for the new repo.

  1. Create a docs/ folder in the root.
  2. Place the html version of the paper into the new docs folder, using index.html as the filename
  3. Go to settings and enable Github Pages, using the main branch.
  4. Select the docs/ folder as the publishing source.
  5. Don’t forget to choose a sexy theme!

Now your paper is published at
